Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Quick Update...

Here are some really quick pictures so you can see what we've been up to. Then tomorrow we see our Dr. again and we will make a post with a belly photo and all.  For all you "belly people" who keep asking. We will also have an update as far as my "progress", or lack there of... and on our bed rest orders. Hope you enjoy the pics!

This would be Easter... The Girls loved their Easter dresses and even Ella wanted to be called a princess.

We have been outside quite a bit lately... "helping" Daddy in the yard. Our favorite place to be is out front where we can see all our friends pass.

Ella got potty trained!!!! Yippee. It's about time, I buckled down and just did it. (she had been ready for months!)

We went to Disney on Ice and took our very own princesses! It was so fun, except when Ella FREAKED OUT at Mickey, Minny, Donald, Daisy and Goofey! She HATED the people in the masks!!! So sad, but also  kinda funny :) hehehe

Bowling has been our Activity of choice lately. The girls love it, in fact when asked what they wanted to "treat" Mommy to on her birthday, Ava responded..."I'm gonna take her bowling..." They have so much fun together.

1 comment:

Brynn said...

holy crapness... you did a post! Yay! I would have thought you'd forgotten your password by now. :) Your girls are getting so big... and they are going to LOVE having a little brother to help take care of. That pic of Ella on the toilet is so awesome. I love ones like that you can threaten to embarrass them with when they're older.