Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer Fun

So here are some photos of our adventures over the last few days. Unfortunately, I am pregnant/forgetful so the camera missed a bunch! :( 

So the last few days, or rather, since we found out we are to be induced this Monday... I've been thinking a lot about about how our family will never be just us again. It will forever be Ava, Ella & Mason. So the last few days I've tried to keep them entertained... making fun memories! I guess you could say. 
We've been outside everyday, thank heaven for the weather!  We have great front and back yards, but our back yard is shady, cause we have mature trees back there so we play back there, but don't swim, or run through the sprinklers. So we've been out front a lot, with the sprinkler on and our little pool filled up! It's been so much fun, and the girls play with their cars and bikes in between swimming and running. They are so active. 

The other day I took the girls down to the river. It's about 2 blocks from our house and it has a great walking trail... goes for like 2 miles... but then we walk back so it takes us a while! 

The girls are so happy when they are outside, I guess they are just active little ones like I know I was! In fact the other day Ella ate a bug! Yep! The whole rollie pollie, swallowed it whole! Whatever, I guess you can just tell them not to do it again. Oh and today Ava came to me and told me, "Mom, I think I have a rock in my tummy..." to which I replied, "okay, how did it get there?"  she calmly asked, "you're not mad at me?" and I said, "well did you do it on purpose?" "No, she replied" then I proceeded, "Are you gonna do it again?" "No" she replied. So I figured that was over. I guess, when you take kids outside, stuff happens! Can't keep them in a bubble like those Clorox commercials... huh... oh sorry just day dreaming about that for a second! :) 

We've also been around to Baum Park in Ogden, it's a great medium sized park with a pond, ducks, seagulls, geese and walking trails. The ducks were great, seagulls annoying (though the kids loved them), and the Geese... well they weren't very nice... more like aggressive! The trails were nice, for the girls to "explore" off in the trees a bit. And we all love outings that Daddy is there too! Plus, we got ice cream on the way home.  

A few nights ago we rented a Red Box movie, as Ava calls it "Raining Gumballs Bedtime Stories" every time she says it, it's just like that :) We then waited for Daddy, popped some popcorn and snacked on some candies... Oh and with every good movie night, the girls got to stay up late too! (only 8:30 PM) but to them it was perfect. They talked about it for days! 

Well if anything else comes up... I'll be sure to post it! 


Carter Family said...

Looks like fun!

Brynn said...

How fun! Oh man, I am so happy that you got past your "bed rest" part of the pregnancy so that you could actually do all this with your girls... just reading it made me tired- can't even imagine in your shoes man... PROPS! Well I can't wait for the post: MASON'S HERE!!!!!!!!! love ya!

Missy said...

Best of luck on monday girlie!! We are so happy for you and your little guy! I'm glad that you and your girls enjoyed the last few days. It really never is the "same", but it's so much better.