Friday, May 15, 2009

Family Picnic

Unfortunately, my photo card had some sort of malfunction today cause all the photos I took today are gone! My camera says no images, and the computer thinks that the card is empty... sad (I got some really cute ones too!) So sorry, photos were supposed to accompany this summary, but I guess you are just stuck with words... lame I know!

So today was a good day... still contracting, but able to be up and around with our girls!  We had the Preschool Express Family Picnic today... that was great! Ava loves to show her friends off to us, and loves to show Ella to all her friends. She is so proud of our family & I love it. The picnic was at a park/playground & both girls had a blast. 

Ava brought her bike and was teaching Ella how to ride. It was priceless, she held the handle bars and was trying to steer her... Ella at this point can not peddle, so Ava is "pulling/holding" her back depending whether it was a hill or not... kinda funny! 

We then went to Cafe Rio for lunch/dinner, saw Daddy & finished the day at home. At bedtime prayers Ava thanked heavenly Father for and I quote... "Thank you for Mommy not being mad today." It totally BROKE my heart! But yes, yesterday was a patience trying day... (though I'm not proud of it) we all have those. 

So that's life, oh and as I'm typing this Ava woke up. Brett's putting her back down and she's saying..."Daddy you hurt my heart when you put me to bed, you hurt my heart."  Kids definitely have a way to say things. Well, that's our story for the day... 


stephensfamily said...

You look great Kritter! It's nice to read up on your cute family! Best of luck coming up with that little boy. We miss you guys.

Missy said...

Yay!!! I'm so glad you finally got some pictures on this blog!!! :) You look so cute. I love prego bellies! There's nothing like em! The girls are so cute! By the way, I have a little something for you...if I had known about your shower I would have loved to come!! Miss you girl! Good luck with the contractions, and let us know when the little guy appears!